PGB BR Master (2024)

PGB BR Master (2024)

11th Edition

R$ 14.990,00

This more complete version of the PGB includes:

1. Full report of data and analyses of the PGB 2024

2. 3 accesses to PGB Data Insights

3. 6 additional exclusive reports with new data and insights

The 6 exclusive reports will be developed throughout 2024 and present complementary studies and analyses to the 2024 edition’s data.

You can check below our roadmap of reports and the deliverables analyzed in each material. Adding to your knowledge about the profile of gamers in Brazil.

Check out below all the information
that is part of this version:

  • Demographic
  • Age Group
  • Socio-economic Group
  • Gender
  • Household Income
  • Gamer Persona (Hardcore & Casual)
  • Race
  • Behavior and consumption of games
  • Games (knowledge and experience)
  • Preferred platform
  • Frequency and time playing
  • Platforms and type of content
  • Online Experience
  • Subscription Services
  • Advertising in games
  • Experience and moment of purchase
  • Stores where they buy games and accessories
  • Types of expenses with games 
  • Activities beyond gaming
  • Brands (knowledge, ownership, and experience)
  • Virtual Reality
  • Knowledge, Practice, Winnings, and Betting on games
  • Experience with games (most watched, played, and donations)
  • Types of channels (brands, specialized, teams, and more)
  • Platforms (social, TV, and more)
  • Celebrities, teams, and athletes
  • Where it is watched (arenas, digital, and more)
  • Tournaments and Modes
  • Consumption of Content
  • Carrer and professions
  • Financial Education 
  • Cryptocurrencies, NFT, and knowledge of pay-to-earn games
  • Accessibility in games
  • Metaverse: behavior, consumption, and engagement
  • Activities while playing
  • Consumption of products
  • Streaming Platforms (Video and Music)
  • Activities while at home
  • Genres of Movies, TV Shows, and Books
  • Type of consumption and channels (news, influencers, and others)
  • Sporting Habits
  • Consumption of Traditional Sports
  • Food Routine
  • Black Friday sales
  • Food Apps
  • Food Products
  • Banks
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Credit Cards
  • Coffee
  • Cars 
  • Cosmetics
  • Candies/Snacks
  • Energy Drinks
  • Food Services
  • Clothing Stores
  • Payment Methods
  • Snacks
  • Sodas
  • Sneakers/Shoes/Accessories
  • Telecom Operators
  • TVs
  • Apparel

Check out the exclusive reports:


The brand report presents an analysis of gamers’ relationship with different brands in different sectors of the economy. We analyze the knowledge, usage, and how these brands relate with games, contemplating the Banking sector, Payment Methods, Drinks, Food Services, Cosmetics, and more.


In the eSports reports, we have prepared a full analysis of the behavior of players and viewers of competitive games. We present analyses and data such as knowledge and practice of professional and amateur competitions, tournament preferences, betting, most-watched games, frequency and general consumption of content, teams, celebrities, and other related data.


The perception about careers in the world of games is something that engages and generates expectations in consumers of digital games. Pursuing a career in the games industry is a possibility and we mapped different skills in games and eSports, to understand which are the main ones according to players.


According to information and perceptions of parents regarding their children and digital games, we will have detailed information about their behavior and the profile of these children, such as their preferred platform, playing frequency, online experience, and other data.


One of the main points of contact for gamers are content creators on their various production platforms, whether via streaming, recorded videos and others. In this dash we present the main influencers, streamers and content creators and what are the consumer relations of players and digital games.


Publishers or game publishers are responsible for producing and publishing games for consumers. In this dash we will present the relationship of knowledge and experience with some of the main publishers and what is the consumption of players and their games.

PGB Data Insights

All the data collected by PGB 2024 will be available on an exclusive platform. On PGB Data Insights, it is possible to cross-reference data, making it possible to create new analyses according to your needs and business strategy.

PGB Data Insights is in its 3.0 version, introducing global filters such as: player profiles (hardcore and casual), gender, age group, preferred platform, and region. There are more than 20 dashboards, which will be made available throughout 2024, according to the calendar of exclusive reports. 

Player Profile: demographic, in-game behavior, consuming habits, platforms, expenses, gaming experience, and more.

Loved Brands: general ranking of brands and sectors.

eSports: general consuming behavior, game rankings, teams, and celebrities.



Through PGB Data Insights it is possible to understand behaviors according to business needs and objectives, having a complete reading of the behavior and experience of Brazilian gamers.

IMPORTANT: access will only be available until FEBRUARY/2025

Check the PGB 2024 calendar

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